On Jul 2, 2012, at 1:20 PM, david raistrick wrote:
Amazon resources are controlled (from a consumer viewpoint) by API - that API is also used by amazon's internal toolkits that support ELB (and RDS..). Those (http accessed) API interfaces were unavailable for a good portion of the outages.
Right, and other toolkits like boto. Each AZ has a different endpoint (url), and as I have no resources running in East, I saw no problems with the API endpoints I use. So, as you note, US-EAST Region was "not controllable".
I know nothing of the netflix side of it - but that's what -we- saw. (and that caused all us-east RDS instances in every AZ to appear
And, if you lose US-EAST, you need to run *somewhere*. Netflix did not cutover www.netflix.com to another Region. Why not is another question. -j