What makes the most sense is the underlying OS does the work and not each individual app. The underlying OS gets these alerts from some aggregator that collects this information from all jurisdictions. Doing it at the app layer seems foolish. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions Midwest Internet Exchange The Brothers WISP ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Hoppes" <mattlists@rivervalleyinternet.net> To: "Sean Donelan" <sean@donelan.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Friday, January 1, 2021 4:12:40 PM Subject: Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study How would that even work? Force a pop up into web traffic? What if the end users is using an app on a phone?
On Jan 1, 2021, at 5:10 PM, Sean Donelan <sean@donelan.com> wrote:
The House on Monday and the Senate on Friday have overriden the President's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 passing it into law.
Among the NDAA's various sections, it includes the Reliable Emergency Alert Distribution Improvement (READI) Act. The READI Act includes a study and report for Emergency Alerts via the internet and streaming services.
SEC. 9201. RELIABLE EMERGENCY ALERT DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENT. [...] (e) INTERNET AND ONLINE STREAMING SERVICES EMERGENCY ALERT EXAMINATION.— (1) STUDY.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and after providing public notice and opportunity for comment, the Commission shall complete an inquiry to examine the feasibility of updating the Emergency Alert System to enable or improve alerts to consumers provided through the internet, including through streaming services.