Hello all I often get lots of people who want to know the procedure for doing IPv6 subnetting like we are used to in IPv4. Before using tools and utilities to make things easy, I always like to know the general principles. I've put up a post about a general and quick procedure on how to subnet in IPv6 which I believe gives anyone an good theoretical framework for how to do it. Please do check it out and let me feedback. [a] General procedure for IPv6 Subnetting http://techxcellence.net/2012/04/03/ipv6-subnetting-general-procedure/ [b] Quick procedure ('in your head') http://techxcellence.net/2011/05/09/v6-subnetting-made-easy/ Regards -- Mukom Akong [Tamon] ______________ “We don't LIVE in order to BREATH. Similarly WORKING in order to make MONEY puts us on a one way street to irrelevance.“ [In Search of Excellence & Perfection] - http://perfexcellence.org [Moments of TechXcellence] - http://techexcellence.net [ICT Business Integration] - http://ibiztech.wordpress.com [About Me] - http://about.me/perfexcellence