On 3/05/2009, at 7:53 PM, Matthew Moyle-Croft wrote:
James Hess wrote:
A /62 takes care of that unusual case, no real need for a /56 for the average residential user; that's just excessive. Before wondering about the capabilities of home routers.. one might wonder if there will even be _home_ "routers" ?
I think you'd want to do a /60 so it's on a "nibble" boundary. But by then you might as well do a /56.
My personal feeling is that 99% of home networks will use a single / 64, but we'll be giving out /60s and /56s to placate the 1% who are going to jump up and down and shout at us about it because of some reason that they feel makes it all unfair or that we're "thinking like ipv4 not ipv6" etc.
17% of packets leaving an ISP here in NZ were from behind double NAT. (or, they went through 2 routing hops in the home, which I suspect is fairly rare) Why does this happen? $customer has an ADSL router with no wireless, then they go buy a "wireless router" and plug the ADSL router in to the "internet" port. I suspect your market is not that different to NZ.
It's possible that home networks will gain some ability (in a standard fashion) to use more than one /64, but I doubt it - it's much easier to do resource discovery on a single broadcast domain for things like printers, file sharing etc.
The above mentioned sort of stuff will keep happening, I'm sure, and because the ADSL router and the wireless router are the only devices on the same subnet, no service discovery things need to happen. I have an idea brewing to allow routers to forward PD requests. The idea would be that a BRAS/LNS only assigns a /64 for each PD request, and the customer router forwards PD requests for routers attached to their inside interface. That way, we can chain up to 16 subnets in the home. The BRAS can reserve a /60 or /56 or whatever for each customer so they are contiguous, or whatever. -- Nathan Ward