On 06:03 PM 10/1/2001 -0400, Tim Wilde wrote:
Perhaps your sources are confused by changed procedures; in Boston I've seen signs posted that equipment can no longer be carried in or out via the lobby area, and must traverse the shipping & receiving area, but no evidence of customers being prevented from leaving; in fact, I'm pretty certain that there's no such restriction being enforced.
How odd. In Chicago, I had boxes that had been shipped and held in their shipping and receiving which I was forced to take into the lobby for the purpose of unpacking and putting the equipment on carts before I was allowed to take them into the colo and install in our cabinets. The reverse procedure was used to pack up the boxes I was shipping home, I had to take the equipment out of the colo to the lobby and THEN pack it up, IN THE LOBBY. Needless to say, I found this policy a royal pain in the youknowwhat. They claim this is a company-wide policy, but if it is it hasn't been enforced in Seattle (SE2) or in DC (DC2). I have yet to test how they enforce it in Santa Clara (SC4). jc