Hello, I'm not sure if it's the right place to post, but I found some related conversations in the archive, so I hope it'll be ok for me to post. Since yesterday morning, here in Montreal, all my traffic from to get stucked in New York (traceroute below). My ISP is looking at my problem, but problem is always here since one day now... I tried to contact cw.net but I just got a forward mail saying : "Here is another routing issue which is also being affected through our peering point.". I always thought that Internet was a wonderful network where packet can't get lost and always find the good route ! Why is it so long ? Am I the only one with this problem ? tracert spidmail.net Détermination de l'itinéraire vers ovh.com [] avec un maximum de 30 sauts : 1 75 ms 12 ms 11 ms 2 11 ms 12 ms 10 ms modemcable213.240-200-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca [] 3 14 ms 13 ms 11 ms 4 11 ms 29 ms 13 ms ia-piex-bb02-ge8-0.vtl.net [] 5 32 ms 29 ms 34 ms iar2-so-3-3-0.Toronto.cw.net [] 6 27 ms 27 ms 57 ms bcr1-so-2-2-0.Toronto.cw.net [] 7 30 ms 27 ms 25 ms dcr2-so-3-0-0.NewYork.cw.net [] 8 333 ms 26 ms 27 ms agr1-so-2-0-0.NewYork.cw.net [] 9 25 ms 48 ms 50 ms iar1-loopback.NewYork.cw.net [] 10 * * * Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé. 11 * * * Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé. Thanks -- Cordialement, Cedric Fontaine (Easy Soft) - mailto:cfontaine@easysoft.fr (DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604