1 Mar
1 Mar
7:51 a.m.
"A. Pishdadi" <apishdadi@gmail.com> writes:
We are looking for a switch or a device that we can use for mirroring tap ports. For example , take a mirror port off of a core router say a 6509, connect it to a port on said device, say port 1. I would like then to be able to mirror port 1 on said device to multiple ports, like port 2 , 3, 4. We have the need to analyze traffic from one port on multiple devices. Seems most switches are limited to mirroring to a max of 1 or 2 ports.
http://www.netoptics.com/products/regeneration-taps Been reasonably happy with these on 100m and gigabit links in the past, can't imagine that their 10g products don't work just as well. -r