On 15 August 2017 at 15:52, Rod Beck <rod.beck@unitedcablecompany.com> wrote:
How well does this service work? I understand it usually involves point-to-multipoint Switched Ethernet with VLANs and resold IX ports. Sounds like a service for ISP that would like to peer, but have relatively small volumes for peering purposes or lopsided volumes.
Roderick Beck
Director of Global Sales
United Cable Company
DRG Undersea Consulting
Affiliate Member
85 Király utca, 1077 Budapest
I think for very samll providers were cost pretty much governs everything, it is quite handy. I know of a small provider who takes/took a 1G pipe to such a remote connectivity provider, the pipe is split with VLANs and over one VLAN they have a remote peering session to a IXP, over another VLAN they receive a blended transit service and over another VLAN L2 connectivity to other PoP the remote peering provider is also. It is several eggs in one basket but for very small providers this can provide a much needed money saving opportunity. Cheers, James.