Randy Bush wrote:
route-views.oregon-ix.net>sh ip bg BGP routing table entry for, version 2 Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table) Not advertised to any peer 286 from ( Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best Community: 286:286 286:3031 286:3809
Well, if you take a look at the communities here, from what they publish in the text of the AS286 AUT-NUM object in the RIPE database: 286:286 Customer routes 286:3031 Customer in Amsterdam 286:3089 No description I've no idea what 286:3089 is since its not described but it appears that all prefixes tagged with 286:3089 have 286 as the origin. Taking a look at these they appear to be customers. So it could be that these are prefixes that do not belong to KPN but are advertised by KPN themselves (or rather, with KPN as the origin) probably because the customer in question does not have an ASN (or at least a non-private ASN) So its entirely possible this could be a leak of a default from a private ASN customer that KPN carried in their backbone. Of course, since they are providing RV a full feed, not the same as they would to their peers, this should not be a problem for anybody else except KPN (and their customer). The sensible thing to have done would be to have informed KPN privately. Dave.