On 2/10/06, Alain Hebert <ahebert@pubnix.net> wrote:
That new bunch of spam is hard to tag on digest alone... And I dont believe in regexing the content to see if a url is listed (too many false positive).
Then you're doing it wrong. And you'd discover for yourself that its a dumb move to nullroute or depeer with everything you can think of, trying to block spam Shouldnt be too hard to find that out even if you run a small local ISP in montreal, given the huge number of chinese / vietnamese people I saw there (they'd probably all use shaw and bell anyway) If you didnt attend the MAAWG mtg in montreal late last year you missed out on learning quite a lot of really operational spam filtering, none of which included "nullroute whatever you can" -- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)