28 Jul
28 Jul
1:39 p.m.
On 7/27/05, J. Oquendo <sil@politrix.org> wrote:
Complete PR disaster? Maybe they're still working on the fix and didn't want those on the blackhat scene to have a glimpse of how they intended on fixing things. I wonder if this has exploit_foo_bar has anything to do with their code being stolen earlier this year was it, or late last year. Maybe for the geeks in you, it may be a PR disaster, but I doubt their stock price will come down much. Oddly I wonder if those in gov are watching closely to those who are running around shorting Cisco stock. Or should that be: "sh0rt1ng c1sc0 st0ck!@$"
Cisco had the exploit fixed in April and no longer offers the exploitable OS for download on their site. -- Mark Owen