On 2/3/20 10:48 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
Sorry, to be a little less flippant and a bit more productive: "I don't think every remote endpoint needs full access (or even some compromise based on how well you can/can't scale your VPN box's policies) access to the internal network. I think you don't even want to provide this access based on some loose ideas about 'ip address' and 'vpn identity'."
Ideally you'd be able to authenticate and authorize and even account(!) based on a real user-id + passwd + token (2fa thing). Somethign akin to this: https://cloud.google.com/beyondcorp/
maybe using the googz work directly isn't your cup-o-joe(jane?) but... the idea itself is the point I was aiming for.
So somebody is using the internet as it was originally designed. Will miracles never cease. Mike