On 3/18/22 1:31 PM, Nathan Angelacos wrote:
On Fri, 2022-03-18 at 13:17 -0700, Michael Thomas wrote:
We weren't part of the wars. What I saw was what eventually became ipv6 and I remember talking to one of my coworkers about how hard he thought it would be to implement. He concurred that he didn't think it would be any big deal. One of our big issues is that we didn't have anybody to interop with, that and nobody was asking for it unlike v4 features. Classic Second System Effect, as described by Fred Brooks... in 1975. "The Mythical Man-Month" is a great book for remembering how we got here.
But as all you have said, here we are.
As far as second system goes, at least for the host side it didn't seem overwrought to me. Part of the problem was that there were definitely politics with DHCPv6 and maybe some other things that we getting developed along side v6, but those were pretty easily overcome once the will was there. I'd really like to understand what the requirements that are specific to v6 are that make it so much harder or bloated. Not product availability, but actual things that make it difficult to deploy. Mike