On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Chrisy Luke wrote:
David Lesher wrote (on Jun 20):
The service providers are not the enemies. If you treat them like enemies then enemies they will become. That's right; no service provider will ever harbor spammers just to make a quick buck. It's never happened, and never will..... Name the ones that do. All of them. Name the ones that will.
There is actually a guy trying to clean up Chinanet now. @Home was my favorite example before they went titsup.com. Just about any of the Korean providers would be a good current example. -- Steve Sobol, CTO JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH 888.480.4NET - I do my best work with one of my cockatiels sitting on each shoulder - 6/4/02:A USA TODAY poll found that 80% of Catholics advocated a zero-tolerance stance towards abusive priests. The fact that 20% didn't, scares me...