Hi Jens, Op 22-10-21 om 14:03 schreef Jens Link:
I ran into this some time ago with deb.debian.org on an IPv6 only Debian VM with a locally installed resolver. I opened a ticket which was closed in record time: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=961296
Just for the record; your issue is slightly different: You wrote: "deb.debian.org is a CNAME for debian.map.fastly.net. There are no AAAA records for fastly.net so any DNS querys from an IPv6 only resolver will not work." At the moment debian.map.fastly.net has an AAAA-record though. The thing is; the authoritative name servers of fastly.net are only willing to hand out that AAAA-record via IPv4. So it still doesn't work with the (locally installed) IPv6-only resolver ;-) Cheers, -- Marco