On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 06:46:54PM -0700, Jo Rhett wrote:
For these networks to have gateways which connect to the outside, you have to have an understanding of which IP networks are inside, and which IP networks are outside. Your proxy client then forwards connections to "outside" networks to the gateway. You can't use the same networks inside and outside of the gateway. It doesn't work. The gateway and the proxy clients need to know which way to route those packets.
It works fine if the gateway has multiple routing tables (VRF or equivalent) and application software that is multiple-routing-table aware. Not disagreeing at all with the point many are making that "not on the Internet" doesn't mean "not in use". Many people for good reason decide to use globally unique space on networks that are not connected to the Internet. But the idea that you *can't* tie two networks togethor with an application gateway unless the address space is unique is an overstatement. It's just harder. -- Brett