The ever-changing NICNAMES/whois service once again does not show _ANY_ dates -- creation, update, or database update.
yep. makes sense...they hadn't changed anything for a while.
Of course the obnoxious and non-legaly-binding statement has moved, now to the top of the response.
as of a while ago. in was between Tue Aug 17 15:22:34 GMT 1999 Tue Aug 17 23:14:49 GMT 1999 i've been archiving all the whois responses i've gotten for a while now (since feb 97) and i can point to things like this rather easily. as for the latest change (the re-removal of some date information), that happened between Sun Oct 17 16:26:16 GMT 1999 Mon Oct 18 13:07:46 GMT 1999 but if all you want is activation date (which is preumably the same as registration data) you can do this: % whois dump (gratuitous legal warning deleted) (0) htype: D | (1) handle: MERIT-DOM| ... (5) domainame: MERIT.EDU| ... (10) activation_date: 03-Oct-1986| ... (37) updated: 19990204-220001 autore| ...
I sure wish NSI got rid of their lawyers and hired some techies.
I sure wish the alternate registries could display this kind of date data.
hear hear. -- |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."