13 Nov
13 Nov
4:12 p.m.
[avi goes jhawk] This isn't appropriate for the nanog mailing list. Perhaps you'd like to try inet-access? Check out www.amazing.com for the inet-access FAQ. Avi
Ok, I wont' approach the mailbomb subject. I've been on the list for a week, but haven't seen anything applying to my ignorance gap--which is considerable. Can anyone help this fledgling with his problems?
FACTS... - Small US office has 56kb satellite link to India office - 56kb connected using Bay Networks AN Router & IP/RIP - Same US office just brought up T1 Frame-relay line through national ISP - T1 connected using Cisco 1005 Router & ....I think IP/RIP?? - US office server is WinNT 4.0 & workstations are Win95