A plane reportedly just flew into the pentagon in dc. I heard it on a local radio station. still trying to get more info...
been confirmed by CNN. A third plane.
The first was apparently a boeing 767, hijacked out of Boston. Bush has already appeared on national tv to announce it as a terroist attack, NYC is shut down, all airports are shut down.
good luck:(
I live about 4 miles from the Pentagon, and heard a distant explosion Local TV is showing an apparently intact building, although there is smoke on the far side, in the direction of National Airport. There are conflicting reports if a helicopter or an airliner, or both, hit near the Pentagon, but the building itself does not seem to have taken massive damage. Obviously, there are lots of sounds of emergency vehicles. I started hearing high-speed passes of what sounded like jet fighters starting about an hour ago. There was another sound at about 10:20, which shook my windows. It was about the magnitude of a very large fireworks burst down on the Mall. Can't say if it was a secondary explosion, a sonic boom, or what. Howard