While writing this though, two things occurred to me.
1) Are there any networks with routing policy that looks at prepends and
says "if we see a peering path with >X number of prepends (or maybe
just path length >X), demote the localpref to transit or lower"? "i.e.
They obviously don't want us using this path, turn it into a backup
2) Particularly back when it was found some BGP implementations broke when
encountering unusually long as-paths, I think it became somewhat common
to reject routes with "crazy long" as-paths. If such policy is still
in place in many networks, excessive prepending would actually have the
desired effect for those networks. i.e. The excessive prepends would
get that path rejected, keeping it from being used.
At a previous job, I explicitly crafted policies that were structured such that:
if ASPATH > MAXASPATH then reject
set communities DEPREF_TRANSIT
blah blah blah
if match external_signal_communities then
set localpref
set internal propagation communities
set external propagation communities
blah blah blah
then accept
that way, if the prefix size is too small, or the aspath is too long (>100),
it gets dropped before even bothering to evaluate communities; save
every bit of CPU and memory you can.
Then, strip your internal communities off everything else that's a reasonable
path length;
set a lower threshold for what you consider a "reasonable" internet diameter
to be, including a reasonable 3x prepend at one or two levels; if it's longer than
that, it's a backup path at best, treat it that way (below standard transit level)
finally, on all the remaining routes, evaluate your external signalling communities,
and apply internal signalling communities as appropriate, and process normally.
There's a clear tradeoff between trying to ensure maximum reachability
to the rest of the internet versus protecting your CPU and memory from
unnecessary work and state-keeping. As mentioned in another thread,
what each network decides the MAXPREFIXLENGTH is will depend on
their relationships and the capabilities of their hardware. It doesn't necessarily
have to be /24 and /48, but it should be set at the longest value your network
can happily support, unless you want to chase down odd connectivity issues
in other people's networks. ^_^;