Please check the CFP for LACNOG 2023.



LACNOG 2023 - Call for Presentations



LACNOG, the Latin American and Caribbean Network Operators Group, will hold its LACNOG 2023 conference together with the LACNIC 40 event from 2 to 6 October 2023. This meeting will be held in hybrid format in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil.


The LACNOG 2023 Program Committee invites the Internet community to submit their presentation proposals for the event.


In line with the spirit of LACNOG, presentations should address topics geared towards regional Internet development. The following is a non-exhaustive list of some of the topics of interest for the LACNOG 2023 meeting:


        Network operation and professional experiences, success stories

        Internet of Things


        Community networks

        IPv6 integration and deployment

        Experiences involving botnets, malware, spam, viruses, denial of service attacks, and exploit techniques

        IP network architecture, sizing, configuration, and administration

        Routing and switching protocols, including unicast, multicast, anycast, SDN, etc.

        End-user applications (e.g., e-mail, HTTP, DNS, NFVs, etc.)

        Value-added services, such as VPNs, distributed systems, cloud computing, etc.

        Peering, Internet traffic exchange, IXPs

        Network data security and management, attack mitigation

        Network monitoring, performance, measurements, and telemetry

        Network automation, evolution, and convergence

        Infrastructure and physical transport, including optical and wireless networks

        Legislation, regulations, and Internet governance issues

        Research and education

        Technical topics related with universal acceptance


Possible presentation formats include: 


        Lightning talk: brief, 10-minute presentation (including a space for Q&A).

        Presentation: 20-minute presentation (including a space for Q&A).


The timeline for the 2023 call for proposals will be as follows:




Applicants must submit a summary and a draft of the slides of their proposed presentation along with a brief biography, for which they must use the form available at  https://eventos.nog.lat/e/lacnog2023


If your work is selected, you authorize LACNOG and LACNIC to publish your name, photograph, biography, and final work in the event program.


Speakers presenting their work at the LACNOG 2023 conference will receive a certificate acknowledging their participation.


Guidelines for Submitting a Presentation for LACNOG including a description of the criteria that will be considered when evaluating each proposal, presentation format, and other details are available at https://lacnog.org/seccion/postulacion-trabajos


Communications with the Program Committee will be handled through pc@lacnog.org.


We thank you in advance for your attention and look forward to receiving your proposals for LACNOG 2023.


The Program Committee