On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Kim Hubbard wrote:
Is there anything you'd like the InterNIC to speak on? If so, let
Maybe speak on the future of IPs... Let ISPs know why they NEED to SWIP.
If there were to be a two day routing/peering tutorial for sysadmins here in D.C. With say, a twelve router MAE model, a frame relay simulator, presentations by a couple of smaller "big" guys (i.e. not MCI, Sprint, or UUnet, etc...), how many would be interested? Oh yeah, free (lunch included).
Sounds cool. I would like to go, even us from the old west. Why not do it with Nanog... Christian Nielsen Vyzynz International Inc. cnielsen@vii.com,CN46,KB7HAP Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953 Private Email - Christian@Nielsen.Net BOFH - cnielsen@one.dot PS :)