You mean those of us who ARE private isps?
Probably doing what we are doing today, reacting to the enviroment.
Amen. And, might I add, doing it faster and more efficiently (although on a smaller scale) than any BigCo can. (I feel like troll bait... but will elaborate sense others have taken up this thread.) In the world of slow moving BigCo dinosaurs, I'm just a little quickly adapting rodent looking for scraps. Right now, the efficiencies of big business leave plenty of scraps for the taking. If the getting gets to difficult, there are plenty of other things that I'm over qualified to do. Some days, I think those "other things" would pay better, and be more satisfying. But alas, I knew that when I decided to start up this little ISP in '96, with 8 modems, a couple of Macs, and a 2511. I knew that if the internet ever got popular and main stream enough, Big Co would jump in, and make it impossible to compete. I figured "Oh, what the heck, I might as well give it a go." And yes, that's happened on several fronts, but at each turn, I find new and different things that I can do, and do better, and cheaper than BigCo. If I'm forced all the way out of the market, fine... I'll adapt. If my company goes away because it can't offer what people want, so be it. I'll find something else to do. So will my employees....they're all smart enough to do different things, and knowing them all well, I know they'd eventually welcome the change of scenery. Any company that doesn't adapt, will go extinct. ANY company. (Unless it's a monopoly) Capitalism, and free markets dictate this. Living in a small town that recently had a major highway bypass it, I've lost some popularity points for stating that. Just because some main street business has been there for 40 years, always doing it the same way from when they started, they think they have some God-given-right to be in business. In reality, it's quite the opposite. Every day a business does the exact same thing that it did the day before, is one less day that company will be in business. That should be the tag line of every small business. -Jerry