* Christopher Morrow (morrowc.lists@gmail.com) wrote:
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:56 PM, Adam Rothschild <asr@latency.net> wrote:
I've heard of folk in and around the NYC metro getting set up for v6 by escalating through their commercial account teams, or the field
'commercial account teams' == business customers?
As a FIOS business customer, I can say that I've had no progress on that front, though I've bugged them about it often enough... Perhaps I shall try again though. I would truely love to hear from one of these folks in NYC who managed to get it...
implementation is shameful, and should be called out wherever possible.
yes :( it's nice that the Networx contract didn't require any ipv6 readiness...
There's a US government mandate for government public websites to support IPv6 and quite a few of those do- in some cases through Networx. I don't recall agencies complaining about the inability to get IPv6 for public websites via Networx either. Additionally, most of the services under the Networx contract are more traditional telecom services which don't particularly care what you run over them. As for having Networx require IPv6 support for all services- some of us tried, and while a nice idea, I doubt it would have lasted terribly long post-award even if it had been included for the few IP-based services which were part of the original contract. Sadly, having been involved in government contracting, it's amazing what happens when the vendor says "we want to provide $awesome, but we need you to waive this *one* little thing" and there isn't a mandate (afair...) for agencies to run IPv6 internally (tho they're supposed to be buying devices which *support* it). I will say that the more the agencies complain to GSA the highest the chance of something being done about it. Thanks, Stephen