On Feb 9, 2013 6:14 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote:
Jason Baugher wrote:
You are seriously saying I should hire a translator to tell me what your document says?
You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the topic.
If you say so. In your own mind you obviously know far more about this topic than anyone else. I'm shocked that you waste time trying to educate us.
BTW, it is not my document but an article in a famous online magazine.
There are many famous online magazines. Some have merit. That one may. Who knows?
How about you point out a reference written in a language common to North America, since this IS NANOG.
Feel free to do so.
You're the one making the assertion, it's not my job to help you make it.
Anyone here doing or know someone doing 4-1 or 8-1 splits, in a typical American town? I believe most people were talking about areas <50000 population.
The figure of 3.68-1 is by NTT.
Our main cost is labor. Fiber, fdh, splitters, etc... are marginal.
You never forget labor cost.
Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable, means more labor.
Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor.
Drops from a splitter vs drops from a splice case for your SS.... Not much difference from what I've seen.
Masataka Ohta