On 5/9/2010 08:32, Steven Bellovin wrote:
It's a pretty reasonable article, too, though I don't know that I agree about the "simplicity of the routing system"....
I worry about the implications in the article in the environment of recent news.... IRS (or FTC, or FCC) maintains a hosts.txt that everybody uses instead of BGP? I wonder how telephone calls are routed? (I know how they were in the 60's and 70's--I really don't know how the current system works. And when I drive someplace, I do indeed go by the signs I see, which are not erected by a central authority, as I move along. (I don't have a route from here to Fairbanks, Alaska, but my MCA shows one from here to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and from there there are several I might use, depending on what signs I see ("Warning, I29 N closed at Mondamin due to flooding") when I get there.) I'm sorry, but I am very afraid of "Central Authority". -- Somebody should have said: A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. Requiescas in pace o email Ex turpi causa non oritur actio Eppure si rinfresca ICBM Targeting Information: http://tinyurl.com/4sqczs http://tinyurl.com/7tp8ml