NANOG 83 Kicks-Off on Monday
Register now to Connect Virtually +/or In-Person!
Connecting with us virtually for NANOG 83? WHERE TO WATCH: 👉 Go to to watch incredible presentations by industry leaders, participate in real-time Q + A sessions, networking events, expo, games + more!
The hybrid conference will kick off next Monday, Nov. 1 - 3. Full details are available for upcoming talks and keynote presentations on the agenda. NANOG 83 will be available virtually +/or in-person in Minneapolis, MN.
VIDEO - Check out our New Web Series!
"Internet Innovators" ft. the Stories of Internet Legends
The web series
"Internet Innovators" explores the heart behind the brightest + boldest tech minds of our time. Watch every last Wed. of the month, as we release a new episode sharing the stories of men + women to who we credit our greatest achievements in Internet history.
WATCH NOW: Ep.1 + 2, with
Ep.1 + 2, with legendary Internet pioneers Vint Cerf + Geoff Huston. Check out the teaser of our upcoming interview with Scott Bradner. Bradner has been involved with the design, operation, and use of data networks at Harvard University since the early days of the ARPANET.WATCH this teaser of Ep.3: Bradner tells NANOG story producer, Elizabeth Drolet, he knew the Internet was exploding when his mom started using it.👉 Ep. 3 will be released Wednesday, Nov. 24.
Don't Miss: Women in Tech
Opportunity for Networking + Finding Mentors
Don't miss an opportunity to meet incredible women in tech. Perfect for any female engineers looking for mentors. The Women in Technology luncheon will take place on Tues. Nov. 2nd from noon - 1 pm CDT in the Boundary Waters D room.
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