On 31/Mar/20 14:46, Ben Maddison wrote:
Tomorrow is our first ROV invalid = reject anniversary,
Ah yes - April 1 :-). Had actually forgotten about that. Fun times :-). Congrats - we are 4 days behind you.
and for most of that time I have been in communications at various levels with Cisco regarding the shocking brokenness in classic and XE.
Aside from some well meaning sounding email, crickets.
I very much hope, for the sake of the interwebs at large, that you have more luck than me. We're are falling back to plan B, aka truck-roll.
I've actually been able to find a decent warm body that understands the problems, has taken the suggested fixes and is willing to listen. Initially, all fixes had been scheduled for 17.2 However, he is, since the 18th of this month, working on committing the fixes to all earlier throttles that are still open for commit, which includes a number of 16.x releases. I also asked if he can back-port those fixes to the Cisco 7200 train - so 15.2(S4)8 - and he's graciously looking into that. We use a couple of those as looking glasses around the world (although we are moving to CSR1000v now for that), but I know that a handful of networks are still running that platform in production, and we also use it for lab workshops and such. So getting that fixed would be most helpful. Mark.