Having tried the 12hr model in a stressful environment like a NOC, it did not work well as people were burned out by the end of the day and those that did the 12hr shifts were not content with their positions and looked to leave the group sooner than those that had more normal shift hours. The 4-day work week was found to be the best model by giving people 3 days off. At 08:02 PM 10/2/97 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Steve Miller writes:
We work 4/10hr days, Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed or Wed/Thur/Fri/Sat. People get three days off in a row, including one weekend day.
One of the more successful 24x7 operations I've seen did 12 hour days, four days on, four days off, two shifts. People had to get used to it, but for many of the staffers who were used to putting in 12 hour days anyway the prospect of a four day "weekend" every week was pretty good, though it appealed the most to the single operations staffers and to the ones who had non-working spouses. It had a lot of advantages in terms of operational continuity and it actually kept morale pretty high because people got enough days away not to fry from the stress of dealing with users constantly every day.