On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 01:59 Mark Tinka <mark@tinka.africa> wrote:

On 5/18/22 03:55, Martin Hannigan wrote:

> All,
> Why do MSA’s matter as related to network architecture?

As in "Master Services Agreement"?

Admittedly vague, but deliberate. Perhaps the thread answered the question. :-)

Metropolitan Statistical Area.The easy answer is "its where the eyeballs are". If so, that's great and it is (was) that simple. A lot of companies are predicting where the "edge" will actually shake out and most are using MSA. It's not that simple, there are certainly other attributes, but it may be that simple. Sorting by MSA and descending population you would think it is a no-brainer. Not necessarily? So perhaps a bolt on to the question, "and what attributes influence that importance?".

Thanks --
