SEC (Simplet Event Correlator) is a very effective tool for this, IMHO. I am by no means an expert with it, but I know several people who are, and while it is not as well known as splunk or some other tools, I have been very impressed by the results I've seen using it. As with any event correlation tool, there is a significant level of invested effort required to make use of this. Below is a presentation about SEC. On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:15 PM, fedora fedora <> wrote:
Anyone has good recommendations for an open-sourced log parsing and analyzing application? It will be used to work with syslog-ng and other general syslog and application logs.
I have been looking at swatch and logwatch, but would like to find out if there are other good choices, thanks
-- -- Darren Bolding -- -- --