I'm not sure I'd fault Verizon, it's got to be a major pain to keep the spam level down on pagers. It would probably be useful if SMS/paging companies posted a "this is the approved way to...." guide for customers. I set up nagios/netsaint with a pager system, and programmed it to send an "all is well" page twice a day to a couple of key people. If you have one of the super-duper(tm) motorola pagers that skytel uses, you can even filter those messages so they won't set off the audible alert; they just show up in the "received" list. I made a habit of checking the freshness of those messages right before staff meetings and customer calls. --- "Michael R. Wayne" <wayne@staff.msen.com> wrote:
Summary: If you use Verizon Wireless pagers (pagers with an @myairmail.com email address) to monitor your network, your alerts may be blocked without notice.
The saga:
We use multiple paging companies for our pagers, under the theory that redundancy is a "good thing". Last week, our people who carry pagers from Verizon Wireless realized that they were not getting pages from our Netsaint monitoring system, although they were getting other pages and people carrying pagers from other paging companies were getting Netsaint pages.