On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 17:25:45 -0700 David Schwartz <davids@webmaster.com> wrote:
The reason I'm pointing out which strategies are unlikely to work is not because I hope they won't work but because I want him to make sure to emphasize the strongest possible arguments. IMO, these are:
you omit argument 4: a TRO against nacs.net has no effect on the behavior of providers such as verio who won't honor the advertisement of the subnet in BGP. the customer would have to, one-by-one i think, go after everybody with the relatively common policy of ignoring such advertisements (isn't sprint one of these? that'd be a pretty big hunk of internet to be disconnected from. sprint having no contractual relationship with the idiot, er, customer in question, it'd be hard for the customer to get anywhere there.) in other words, by itself the requested TRO incompletely solves the problem, making it fairly pointless. richard -- Richard Welty rwelty@averillpark.net Averill Park Networking 518-573-7592 Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security