At 23:54 1/19/99 +0100, you wrote:
Relaxing the requirements for name servers seems like an excellent way of making the DNS even more broken than it already is. A number of TLDs (.no being one of them) will *enforce* a minimum of two functioning name servers for each domain. If you don't like this, you can of course take your business elsewhere.
I really can't understand why there'd be a problem with a pay-first policy. If a registration is accompanied by CC#, check, etc., it's registered. If two registrants want the same domain: first paid, first served. Third party registrars (ISPs, other registries) could execute a "statement of purpose"-type document with NSI that would allow them to register without paying first. That privilege could be revoked if it's abused. The typical spammer and/or speculator isn't going to sink his/her/it's money into a throwaway domain name, and legit third-party registrants aren't likely to deal with a speculator/abuser if their payment privilege is at risk. Simple, easy to put into effect, easy to police, solves most of these problems without hurting service...all of which is, of course, why InterNIC/NSI won't do it. At least, in the past they've avoided the simple solution whenever possible... Spammers should be investigated by Ken Starr! Dean Robb PC-EASY computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]