On 16 Apr 1998 14:55:24 -0400, Michael Dillon <michael@memra.com> wrote: |I suppose that network problems never happen in the People's Republic of |China? And the Chinese network operators never need to consult |whois.arin.net to find contact info for the idiot North American network |operator who's asleep at the wheel with directed broadcast turned on? | |Of course not, we all know that the Internet ends at the edges of North |America, don't we? Then you'd rather ARIN do maintainance in the middle of the afternoon EST? I'd be surprised if the whois traffic at ARIN isn't almost entirely North American users. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The internet, of course, is more than a place to find pictures of people having sex with dogs" -- Philip Elmer Dewitt, Time Magazine, July 3, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- blahblahblah@oneill.net coneill@erols.com