Hi, You should either go to London or Amsterdam if you like to have a very direct connection to the US or if you want to reach whole europe including eastern european countries the only place to be is Frankfurt. Costs of leased lines from the US to Frankfurt are the same as to Amsterdam/London but you have some milliseconds more due to the additional distance. You should look for an isp that has direct connection to the DE-CIX, the german internet exchange, because almost all of the eastern european isps are connected to the DE-CIX too and they're becoming more and more. Check http://www.de-cix.net/info/connected.html. Regarding Datacenters I'd recommend RedBus, Telecity and IXEurope wherever you are because of their good service. If you're in Amsterdam it doesn't matter where you are because you can connect to AMS-IX at any datacenter but most of the intl. Carriers are at TELECITY2. In Frankfurt you can connect to the DE-CIX yourself at InterXion, where most of the intl. Carriers are in this case, or Telecity. But remember that InterXion is made for carriers and when hostings servers there you won't have fun because of no technicians being there during the night and so on. Maybe you can find a carrier who's willing to support mozilla because they are non-profit?? I'd know one :-)) If you need additional expertise regarding the Frankfurt- or Amsterdam-market contact me via PM. Gunther
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] Im Auftrag von matthew zeier Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. August 2006 08:19 An: nanog@merit.edu Betreff: european colo/bandwidth facilites?
My employer (Mozilla Corp) is looking to build out a site in Europe (and maybe, eventually Japan). Unfortunately I have little/no experience outside of "NA" and don't know which players (both for colo space and for bandwidth) would be best to talk to.
Looking for pointers, and sales folk are welcome to email as well.
- mz