As some of you know, the standard Microsoft OS distribution sold in stores on CD is a year or so old, and doesn't include any recent patches. You needed to download recent patches from Microsoft's web site. Unfortunately, with the latest round of worms, Windows doesn't survive on the net long enough to downdload patches. In Japan, Microsoft will be distributing "free" CD's with patches through its distribution channels, eletrical appliance and personal computer shops. The anti-virus vendors are apparently packaging their wares along with the Microsoft patches. Symantec and Trend will be the first. Symantec is distributing 15,000 CDs on Wednesday, and Trend Micro is distributing 10,000 CDs on Thursday. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20030823b2.htm No word if Microsoft will be distributing any patch CDs in the USA. However, many universities have created their own CDs for students moving into dorms. It is the start of the school year in in North America, and high speed network connections and new unpatched Microsoft Windows on computers are a bad combination.