I think this needlessly involves people who probably don't have a clue in an area we may not really want them involved in. I can hear the conversation now: Officer: "Why do I have to sign this thing?" Tech: "Well your graciousness. We are coming to the end of the available address space and the gods at ARIN want to make you aware of that so you might approve that request I made for new equipment to deploy IPv6 with." Officer: "Huh? Do we need it?" Tech: "Yes, we need the address space." Officer: "And they're running out?" Tech: "Well out of the v4 space which is what we use now but we can move to v6 space and..." Officer: "Hell, request 10x as much space! I'll sign anything as long as we don't run out and have to spend money!" For me, I request all the allocations and I'm also an officer of the company so I'll just attest to my own stuff but I can see this would be a nightmare in a larger company. There was also an e-mail about outreach to the CEOs of all the companies with resources. At my company the CEO will hand it to me without even opening it. I assume that in many larger companies it "might" get glanced at by the CEO or CEOs secretary before it gets shredded. While I completely understand the reasons behind both initiatives I don't think they'll have the desired effect. Aaron -----Original Message----- From: Matthew Moyle-Croft [mailto:mmc@internode.com.au] Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 9:56 PM To: Joe Greco Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Important New Requirement for IPv4 Requests ARIN should ask companies to demonstrate: - demonstration of routing of an IPv6 range/using IPv6 address space - demonstration of services being offered over IPv6 - a plan to migrate customers to IPv6 - automatic allocation of IPv6 range instead of IPv4 for those who can't do so. ie. No more IPv4 for you until you've shown IPv6 clue. Then people can't just get away with driving into the brick wall of IPv4-allocation fail. (Not sure if I'm serious about this suggestion, but it's there now). MMC On 21/04/2009, at 9:09 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
Let me see if I can understand this.
We're running out of IPv4 space.
Knowing that blatant lying about IP space justifications has been an ongoing game in the community, ARIN has decided to "do something" about it.
So now they're going to require an attestation. Which means that they are going to require an "officer" to "attest" to the validity of the information.
So the "officer," most likely not being a technical person, is going to contact ... probably the same people who made the request, ask them if they need the space. Right?
And why would the answer be any different, now?
... JG -- Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e- mail spam(CNN) With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
-- Matthew Moyle-Croft Networks, Internode/Agile Level 5, 162 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia Email: mmc@internode.com.au Web: http://www.on.net Direct: +61-8-8228-2909 Mobile: +61-419-900-366 Reception: +61-8-8228-2999 Fax: +61-8-8235-6909