In message <> Doug Clements <> wrote:
How does one get ARIN to register resources to come up with this result?;q=
The /16 is APNIC but there are 2 subnets that appear to be allocated from ARIN. Having just typed 'whois' I completely missed the fact that the supernet was APNIC until I checked the web interface.
Oh!! Wow!! I totally missed this also, i.e. that ARIN is showing an allocation for to HostUs.Us in Texas. That's really weird, but even that doesn't either explain or excuse what still looks like an illicit squat (by an unrelated Los Angeles company) on the block to me... perhaps one that's been re-sold to a spammer (which seems possible, given the spam I got). In my own defense, I didn't see the ARIN allocation because I have a normative process that I use for looking up IP addresses. It's hierarchical, and I always start with whatver has to say. And it says that that belongs to APNIC, so of course, I only looked at what had to say about And it says that it's unallocated. (And apparently, data shown for announced prefixes on the web site is also obtained in this same straightforward way, because it also is showing as registered to "Asia Pacific Network Information Centre".) This isn't the first time I've wished that the right hand knew (or cared) what the left hand was doing. I've asked the folks at IANA about this sort of thing in the past, i.e. them giving pointers to the apparently wrong RiR whois server, and they just won't fix it. They just shrug and say "Not our problem man!" And in this case, maybe they're right. If APNIC gave two subparts of 103/8 to ARIN, it might have been helpful if their own whois server was made aware of that fact. Sigh. I have to keep reminding myself of what one friend of mine keeps on telling me... "Ron, there you go again, trying to think about these things logically." Regards, rfg