In article <200402022103.i12L3c623832@rex.isdn.net>, Ejay Hire <ejay.hire@isdn.net> writes
Personally, I don't like spam, but I tolerate the messages that slip through to my mailbox as a penalty for my own laziness in not tightening down my spam rules. Today I got one that I couldn't believe.
--snip-- Spam Hosting - from 20$ per mounth. Fraud Hosting - from 30$ per mounth. Stoln Credit Cards, Fake ID, DL's. Spam For free only from 1.02.2004 to 5.02.2004. --snip--
It's just wrong in my opinion, and exacerbated by the fact that it was spammend to our abuse account. Their /24 just fell off of my piece of the internet. Have I just been blind to this all along, or are the spammers getting bolder?
Remember, all spammers lie. But what were these spammers lying about? -- Roland Perry