29 Oct
29 Oct
3:03 p.m.
In message <04c601be0373$c0dc2d90$e50984a9@flounder.telecom.idt.net>, "Adam D. McKenna" writes:
They claim they were running only qmail, apache and ssh, but who knows if that's true.
I have heard rumours about an ssh exploit but nothing concrete.
I know of some interesting sites that were hacked into "using ssh" recently. The trick is to attack the SSH *client* machine, and them take advantage of things like a running ssh-agent and existing authorized_keys files to connect to the server host using the existing (valid) trust relationship. This isn't an SSH bug, merely a standard side effect of distributed trust. -- C. Harald Koch <chk@utcc.utoronto.ca> "It takes a child to raze a village." -Michael T. Fry