On 2024-01-13 04:03, Brett O'Hara wrote:
They have no interest in trying new things or making new technology work without a solid financial reason and there is none for them implementing ipv6.
When I left $DAYJOB-1 almost 2 years ago, they had just finished increasing fees on IPv4 blocks (larger than /29) that had already been assigned to customers. This wasn't on new assignments only. It was applied to all Internet customers with /28 and larger assignments that were already assigned and working at the time of the increase. I know $DAYJOB-1 weren't alone in the NSP industry. Also, one very large cloud provider I use for personal projects is charging additional fees for IPv4 starting this year. My cost for (3) IPv4 addresses went from zero to $10.80/mo/ip, jacking up my bill about 20%. These were IPs assigned to my services 6-7 years ago. There is a financial reason looming. I grant you that, at the moment, it may still be low enough to be considered "cost of doing business" for nearly all enterprises. But it's exerting force like a glacier does; slowly, irregularly, yet inexorably; so it can be difficult to see. -Brian