Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 9:06 PM
On Apr 25, 2019, at 1:41 PM, Tom Beecher <beecher@beecher.cc> wrote:
It seems like just another example of liability shifting/shielding. I'll defer to Actual Lawyers obviously, but the way I see it, Packetstream doesn't have any contractual or business relationship with my ISP. I do. If I sell them my bandwidth, and my ISP decides to take action, they come after me, not Packetstream. I can plead all I want about how I was just running "someone else's software" , but that isn't gonna hold up, since I am responsible for what is running on my home network, knowingly or unknowingly.
And *that* is *exactly* my concern. Because those users...('you' in this example)...they have *no idea* it is causing them to violate their ToS/AUP with their provider.
But isn't there a law in US that protects oblivious or outright simple-mined population from falling for these type of "easy money" schemes by prohibiting these types of business? I believe there's something like that in EU (rendering pyramid schemes or lending money with extreme interests illegal for example). Although I appreciate that in this particular case the exact formulation would be rather cumbersome to define. adam