My current scheme is to use names of various techno artists (sasha, aphex, oakenfold, orbital, etc) at work, and just random stuff at home (crasher2, miniluv, toxygene, etc). It works for me. Then again, noone else has to spell my machine names, since there's a good set of CNAME's ;-) -rt (human-readable hostnames? bah) -- Ryan Tucker <rtucker@netacc.net> Unix Systems Administrator NetAccess, Inc. Phone: +1 716 756-5596 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 265, Rochester NY 14623 www.netacc.net On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Rachel Luxemburg wrote:
The list is endless. Here's a few off the top of my head: Babylon 5 UserFriendly Magic the Gathering Lord of the Rings Zodiac signs Greek / Roman gods