If the alternative is getting space, giving it to customers, and explaining why they can't reach X, Y, and Z on their connection to us, but they can on other internet connections, we're going to at least have to try.
True, but we'd have to try something that would be effective... Imagine how many of those incompetent ASN's still have _outdated_ technical contact email and phone numbers..
I like the idea of moving the gtld servers into such space. That way, the networks that are at fault will break, and they'll be well motivated to fix their filters.
I think this is the way to go. It will break the ASN's who do not properly have updated filters. The only thing to be careful is a type of consequence where some of _your_ customers may attempt to get to one of the broken ASN's. DNS issue at the broken ASN's may cause few minor-to-medium oddities that may cause more phone calls on your end. -hc
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