Sorry, I should have clarified. That's what I get for rushing a post somewhere just before leaving work. :) is providing email notification. I'm pretty sure it's just the notices the ISO sends to news agencies resent, but I have no proof other than loosely connecting a few facts together. Anyway, the URL I provided is where you can sign up for email notification. On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 01:07:51AM -0400, Jason Legate wrote:
CA ISO has been providing notice for quite a while (as long as I've been checking their page since last June) at
It lists the current alerts, etc..
Also of interest may be:
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 03:09:08PM -0700, Saint skullY the Dazed wrote: has been providing notice for a couple weeks, at least. I got the notice about the iso issuing a stage 2 alert earlier today.
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 09:04:03PM -0700, Sean Donelan wrote:
Things change.
The California Independent System Operator, the folks in charge of the electric transimission grid in california, announced today they've established a new notification service. In case the ISO implements rotating outages or electrical emergencies, they will send e-mail to newsrooms.
From the media release, it appears this is only for members of the media.
For the public, the ISO will add outage information during rotating blackouts to their System Status web page
Local power companies also have evolving notification policies. As the number of rotating blackouts increase this summer, I expect all of them will provide notification. The Internet will be one of the primary methods for transmitting notifications to the media, which will in turn inform the public.