On 4/3/2010 21:36, Joe Greco wrote:
What if TCP is removed ? and IP is completely re-worked in the same 160-bit foot-print as IPv4 ? Would 64-bit Addressing last a few years ?
I must have dozed off--what is the connection between the Subject: and the recent traffic under it. "The Internet" (Note caps) is the (I'd like to say "web" but that will be misunderstood--current usage is actually correct, but bigger than porn and such) of connections between networks. Its connection layer is IP, other protocols such as UDP and IP (AND OTHERS) "ride" on IP, which in turn rides on one or more layers of facility-relevant transport protocols. UUCP is not a descriptor of any kind of a network in any engineering sense that I know of. It is a point-to-point communications protocol. Other protocols, including network protocols (NNTP, SMTP) used in networking as a sociologist might use the term. -- Democracy: Three wolves and a sheep voting on the dinner menu. Requiescas in pace o email Ex turpi causa non oritur actio Eppure si rinfresca ICBM Targeting Information: http://tinyurl.com/4sqczs http://tinyurl.com/7tp8ml