On 1/12/22 10:43 AM, Dave Taht wrote:
I too see very little gear protected by a UPS. In nicaragua, even, when I lived there, and the power flickered 6x times a day, "normal" people just accepted it.
However, with the huge implosion of battery costs and increase in power from the cellphone revolution, and how little power most home routing gear uses (usually under 6w) it really does strike me as plausible we could see a capable battery land in more home routing gear as a feature more users might buy, and not just for backup telephony..
That might be good for transient glitches, but with real power outages it begs the question of everything else that needs power. We deal with days long outages all of the time because of PG&E, so the router being powered is just a small piece of the equation. Mike