On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 21:13 Rubens Kuhl <rubensk@gmail.com> wrote:
%s/isolate/move/g functions. That equates to a leadership change. It may be too soon to suggest that ICANN has any role other than risk analysis and coordination of mitigation. I'm not even certain if that's their role seeing how complicated the relationships between the RIR's and ICANN is. I've seen good summaries including John Currans and Milton Muellers. I've been leaning towards Milton's view. He didn't pardon Afrinic, but he also didn't suggest it's time to fold up shop there.
A fight over crumbs: The Afrinic Crisis
The problem with Milton's POV is that he is willing to pick and choose which AfriNIC policies he likes and which he doesn't; this is not how it works. That community decided the policies, and it's our job in the other regions to make sure that scum bags like the one currently trying to suffocate AfriNIC fail miserably.
Fair enough, but his TL;DR appears fair and he underscored the risk of the matter to the entire RIR system: government intervention. Warm regards, -M<