Charles Sprickman wrote:
Just to formally close out the carpet thread, there appears to be a single source for the stuff. 3M makes tiles and treatments, and many carpet companies have carpet that has a special anti-static backing, but only one seems to have "certified" static-free carpet.
We're going with this solution. Our machine room is very small, and the surrounding build/test/repair/work area isn't that much larger and could use some static reduction.
There's another reason for NOT using carpet in a machine room. Dust. Carpet in general is an actual source of dust of the fine fiber kind. We just got done moving our machine room from one room with carpet (not of the static-free kind) to a room with tiled floor. There were a number of reasons we needed to make this move, and the carpet was not one of them. During the move we took the opportunity to "blow out" a lot of equipment. When chunks of fine dust with close to the same color as that carpet were coming out of the UPSes, I then knew there was yet another reason to make the move. Is there any carpet specifically designed to reduce the level of dust emissions? -- -- *-----------------------------* Phil Howard KA9WGN * -- -- | Inturnet, Inc. | Director of Internet Services | -- -- | Business Internet Solutions | eng at | -- -- *-----------------------------* philh at * --